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mengistu manalebeh demilew

mengistu manalebeh demilew

felegehewot comprehensive speciazed hospital, Ethiopia.

Title: Womens knowledge and and attitude towards cervical cancer preventive measurements and associated factors in amhara region, ethiopia.


Biography: mengistu manalebeh demilew


In Ethiopia,Cervical cancer is the most common cause of hospitalization and death among women,often due to late disease stage at diagnosis.Previous evidence has shown that lack of awareness and unfavorable attitudes towards cervical cancer are considered as barriers to the prevention of cervical cancer.Acommunity based cross sectional study was carried out in Amhara region, Ethiopia. A total of 844 women responded to the ques tionnaire which makes are response rate of 100%. About 804(95.7%) of the respondents were or the ortodoxin reli gion.The three hundred sixty seven(43.5%)women were housewives.Nearlyhalf(49.9%) of the women had a monthly income between 1001 and 2000 birr. The percentage of women who heard about cervical cancer was 66%.Regarding the main source of informa tion of respondents,75.4%were heard from health profes sionals.Sixty two point 4% of women knew at least one preventive measure and 82.6% of participants knew at least one symptom or sign.Among study participants,25 and 64% had good knowledge,and favorable attitude to wards cervical cancer prevention measures,respectively. Inconclusion;this study found the majority of there spondents had poor knowledge about cervical cancer prevention measures.The majority of the study partici pants had favorable attitudes regarding cervical cancer prevention. Living in rural areas,not attending any for male education low income and having less than four children was negatively associated with respondents’ knowledge towards cervical cancer prevention measures. There is needed to scale up cervical cancer prevention measures and servicess ot hat more women can access them irrespective of where they reside.