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Muhammad Shoaib Hashmi

Charman at HHO Power at Lahore, Pakistan

Title: Healthy life start with HHO Gas


Biography: Muhammad Shoaib Hashmi


There are many women around the world suffering from diseases, many of them are not able to control and manage their diseases. If women patients are having problems in stabilizing their condition in the best range, it will affect the patients’ around the disease patients are not aware of what they have to do when the patient is at risk because of lack of knowledge on treating them. Water as use HHO’s gas (Molecular hydrogen/oxygen) as a preventive and therapeutic medical gas for cancer and other 170 diseases, COVID-19 have a big role in improving the health. HHO gas (molecular hydrogen + oxygen) brings a revolution in medicine HHO gas will save people even when they are on their death bed. HHO gas therapy is ultra- serious medicine. It is new clinical mode of treatment for many diseases including surgery, tissue damage and dysfunction, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, anemia, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Tourette’s disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, lung damage, asthma, autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus hemorrhage, deafness, radiation injury, dermatitis, bedsores, drug intoxication, sexual dysfunction, organ transplantation injury, multiple organ failure, septic shock. Guaranteed treatment and cure for prostatitis, adenoma, cystitis, ulcerative colitis, biliary and duodenal ulcers, infectious diseases of the vagina, restoring the tone of the pelvic floor muscles and their ability to retain urine in old age in women and much more at home. We combine use full with pleasure with the help of HHO gas and HHO gas rich water.